- Established: 1968.
- Acres: 12,490, Franklin
and Gulf Counties, FL.
- Other management: Conservation
easements: 21 totaling 1,625 acres in 12 counties in Florida.
- Location: 22 miles southwest
of Apalachicola, FL, boat needed to reach island.
Natural History:
- Undeveloped coastal barrier
island with representative native plants and animals.
- Migratory bird stop-over,
nesting bald eagles, nesting loggerhead sea turtles, red wolf island
propagation site.
- Open water 264 acres, wetlands
4,566 acres, forest 5,861 acres, shrub 1,412 acres, sand dunes 387 acres.
Financial Impact
of Refuge:
- Five-person staff.
- 8,000 visitors annually.
- Current budget (FY 05)
Refuge Objectives:
- Provide habitat for migratory
- Provide habitat and protection
for threatened and endangered species such as American alligator, bald
eagle, indigo snake, red wolf and sea turtle.
- To manage and preserve the
natural barrier island and associated native plant and animal communities.
- Provide wildlife-dependent
recreation and environmental education for the public.
Management Tools:
- Water management for waterfowl,
wood storks, wading birds, shorebirds and fish.
- Prescribed fire.
- Deer management with public
- Education/interpretation.
- Law enforcement.
- Partnerships.
Public Use Opportunities:
- Fishing.
- Hunting.
- Wildlife observation.
- Educational displays.
- Hiking trails.
- Photography.
Calendar of Events:
May: Migratory Bird
October: National
Wildlife Refuge Week.
Primitive weapons deer hunting.
December: Christmas
Bird Count.
Questions and Answers:
Can you drive to the refuge?
No. St. Vincent is
a barrier island off the coast of Apalachicola, Florida. Do you need a
boat to access St. Vincent? Yes. If you don’t have a boat, contact the
Apalachicola Chamber of Commerce. They maintain a list of vendors who
will take you to the refuge for a fee.
Do you provide tours to St.
Yes. During National Wildlife Refuge Week, we have open house
When can we apply for the Sambar deer hunt?
Brochures and applications are available in May.
Where is your Visitor Center located?
We are located in the John B. Meyer Harbor House, 479 Market
Street, Apalachicola, FL. Hours 8:00 am-4:00 pm Monday-Friday.