98 Real Estate Group
Apalachicola Bay Inn
Apalachicola River Catfish Tournament Trail
Ausley & McMullen, P.A.
Bay City Lodge, Inc.
Bay Point Marina
Beach Realty of Cape San Blas, Inc.
Ben's Photos
Bluewater iNet Group, LLC
Bluewater Outriggers
Bottoms Up Fishing Tournament
Burke & Co. Real Estate Group, LLC
Cape San Blas Inn
Cape San Blas Lighthouse
Cape San Blas Realty
Cape San Blas Vacation Rentals
Cape Trading Post
Capt. Clint's Pontoon Boat Rentals
Captain's Containers, LLC
Captain's Cove Marina
Carpet Country
Carrabelle Boat Club
Century 21/Collins Realty, Inc.
Charisma Charters
City of Port St. Joe
Coastal Concierge LLC
Coastal Design & Landscaping
Coastal Marina Management
Collins Construction and Sewage Treatment Services
Collins Vacation Rentals, Inc.
Columbus Marina
Crest Enterprises and Land Development, Inc.
Durens Piggly Wiggly
F&B Builders, Inc.
Family Life Church
First Baptist Church of Mexico Beach
First Prebyterian Church of Port St. Joe
Florida Catfish Classic Tournaments
Forgotten Coast Property Management & Rentals, LLC
g3 Realty Group
Gamble & Associates Construction, Inc.
Grady Market
Gulf Coast Property Services, LLC
Gulf Coast Triple Crown Championship
Gulf Coast Vacation Rentals
Gulf County Supervisor of Elections Office
Gulf County TDC
Gunn Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.
Happy Ours Kayak & Bike Outpost
Harmon Realty Vacation Rentals
High Cotton Affairs
Indian Pass General Store
Indian Pass Raw Bar
Joe Mama's Wood Fired Pizza
Johnene Marcum, CPA
Joyce Estes, Artist
Kaci Rhodes, Realtor
L.L. Lanier & Sons
Lady J Charters
LaPrades Marina at Lake Burton
Lighthouse Utilities
Long Avenue Baptist Church
Mariner Investment Properties, Inc.
Mentor Gadsden
Mexico Beach Artificial Reef Association
Mexico Beach Harmon Realty, Inc.
Mexico Beach Marina
Mexico Beach Offshore Classic Fishing Tournament
Mexico Beach Sundance Realty
Michael Billings, REALTOR
Miss Mary
My Key Photography
NAPA - St. Joe Auto Parts
Natalie Shoaf, REALTOR
Natural Element, Inc.
No Worries Vacation Rentals
Opportunity Florida
Orange Beach Billfish Classic
Orange Beach Grand Slam
Organization for Artificial Reefs
Panache Tent + Event Rentals
Panhandle 360
Paradise Coast Vacation Rentals
Pirate's Cove Marina
Port St. Joe Marina
Port St. Joe Port Authority
Pristine Properties Vacation Rentals, LLC
Pristine Properties, LLC
Raffield Fisheries, Inc.
Reeves Furniture & Refinishing Shoppe
Roberson and Associates, PA
Robinson Brothers Guide Service
Robinson Real Estate Company
Sally Childs, Realtor
Screened Onsite
Shallow Reed
Southeastern Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Spirit of Caregiving, LLC
St. George Island Real Estate
St. George Island Realty
St. James Episcopal Church
St. Joe Natural Gas Company
St. Joe Rent-All, Nursery & Supply
St. Vincent Island Shuttle Service
Star Publishing Company
Sugar Beach Rentals, Inc.
Suncoast Realty and Property Management
The Appliance Solution
The Invitational
The Wharf Boat & Yacht Show
The Wharf Marina
Turtle Beach Inn
Ulrich Construction
Ward's Lawn Care & Pressure Washing
Waste One
Water's Edge RV Park
Zach Ferrell
George L. Chapel
Apalachicola Historical Society, Inc.
P.O. Box 75 Apalachicola, Florida 32329
Reprinted by Permission
Chapter 1 - The Indians
Chapter 2 - The Spanish
Chapter 3 - The English
Chapter 4 - Scottish Traders
Chapter 5 - The United States
Chapter 6 - The Settlements
Chapter 7 - Apalachicola
Chapter 8 - The Civil War
Chapter 9 - Cypress
Chapter 10 - World War II
Chapter 11 - Seafood
Selected Bibliography
Chapter 2 - The Spanish
In 1607 several Apalachee Indians sought help from Spanish missionaries, but 25 years were to pass before the Franciscan chain of missions would be constructed. The Spanish mission period began in 1633 when the first priests reached the Apalachee. Spanish documents of 1655 and 1675 record that there were between nine and eleven missions in Apalachee country. These missions stretched in a line from St Augustine (1565) on the Atlantic Coast to St. Louis, near the present city of Tallahassee. The missions were built twenty miles apart or one day's ride by horse. St. Louis, or San Luis, was the administrative center for a number of smaller missions built westward toward the Apalachicola River. The chain of missions crossed the Apalachicola River near Bloody Bluff and went on to Port St. Joe. It must be kept in mind that the entire Spanish Empire was laid out on a military pattern. The Castle of San Marco at St. Augustine and the Moro Castle at Havana, Cuba, protected on two sides the Straits of Florida. Through this passage travelled the annual treasure fleet from the New World with gold from Colombia and silver from Potosi, Bolivia. The area around St. Augustine was expected to act as a granary for the city and castle in the manner of a Castilian armed city. The missions were a buffer zone or area of "pacification," both to serve as an extension of the granary and as an early warning system of any dangers from the English operating out of Charleston, S.C. (1670-1672) or Georgia. The fort at St. Marks, Florida (1677), was intended to protect the mission chain from attacks by sea. This military arrangement had emerged not only from the victory by the Christian Spanish over the Moors in 1492, but also because it was Queen Isabella of an autocratic and militaristic Castile and not King Ferdinand of an easy-going Aragon who had financed Christopher Columbus. The Spanish Empire was a Castilian Empire and tightly administered.